Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Thursday, December 17, 2009
甘德政 新书《安邦路上》推介礼

今天(17/12/2009),我向公司拿了半天假,以便去我儿子的幼稚园向他的老师拿他明年的课本和制服。过后,就去马华中央党部出席甘德政的新书《安邦路上》推介礼,我是第一次出席新书推介礼,约50名公众人士出席这项活动,原来出席者都会免费获得一本新书,海鸥企业有限公司集团董事经理陈凯希也前来主持推介礼,我希望阿甘再接再励,也希望其他文采好的人也向他一样能出书发表政见 。
如果谁想要买这本书,请流览甘德政的部落格: http://kamdezheng.blogspot.com/
Friday, December 4, 2009
转载自 : 梁文道(香港牛棚書院院長)
美國老派左翼雜誌《異見》(Dissent)的現任編輯、著名的政治哲學家華澤(Michael Walzer)曾經寫過一本社會批評者的案例史《批評者的夥伴》(The Companyof Critics),分別考察了本達.歐威爾和波夫娃等著名知識份子,然後總結出他們共同具備的幾項“批評美德”(Critical Virtue),其中第一樣就是勇氣。
此所以科學史再三稱頌布魯諾(Giordano Bruno),他為了自己的見解(而且還是事後被認為是真理的見解),甘受火刑折磨。此所以現在的中國文人不斷憶述梁漱溟先生的往事,他敢在那個年代當著眾人的面前直斥毛澤東;不願在流氓的威迫下,辱罵他崇敬的孔子,並且留下“三軍可以奪帥,匹夫不可以奪志”的豪言。和華澤所說的不同,這些典型人物的勇敢,並沒有被後人忽略;相反地,大部份人記住他們的主要原因,就是他們閃光暴現的那一刻。大多數人都不清楚布魯諾究竟說了甚麼,可是他們知道他曾毫無懼色地步向刑場;大多數人也沒有讀過梁先生的著作,但是他們曉得他曾逆拂龍鱗。
美國老派左翼雜誌《異見》(Dissent)的現任編輯、著名的政治哲學家華澤(Michael Walzer)曾經寫過一本社會批評者的案例史《批評者的夥伴》(The Companyof Critics),分別考察了本達.歐威爾和波夫娃等著名知識份子,然後總結出他們共同具備的幾項“批評美德”(Critical Virtue),其中第一樣就是勇氣。
此所以科學史再三稱頌布魯諾(Giordano Bruno),他為了自己的見解(而且還是事後被認為是真理的見解),甘受火刑折磨。此所以現在的中國文人不斷憶述梁漱溟先生的往事,他敢在那個年代當著眾人的面前直斥毛澤東;不願在流氓的威迫下,辱罵他崇敬的孔子,並且留下“三軍可以奪帥,匹夫不可以奪志”的豪言。和華澤所說的不同,這些典型人物的勇敢,並沒有被後人忽略;相反地,大部份人記住他們的主要原因,就是他們閃光暴現的那一刻。大多數人都不清楚布魯諾究竟說了甚麼,可是他們知道他曾毫無懼色地步向刑場;大多數人也沒有讀過梁先生的著作,但是他們曉得他曾逆拂龍鱗。
Thursday, November 26, 2009
(以下转载自 月光光)
1128 特大是根据党章第30.2条文召开,也就是必须通过三份之一的中委以书面正式要求,才可以召开。这样的一个党 机制,绝对不是王乃志一个人说开就开,说改成汇报会就改成汇报会。
★特大可以作出决策 ★汇报会不能有议决案
★特大只有中央代表可出席 ★汇报会全体党员均可出席
★特大召开需按章行事 ★汇报会随时随地可由任何人召开
★特大出席率不及法定人数被视为流产 ★汇报会不管人数多寡均可进行。
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Monday, November 9, 2009
Malaysia makes top 10 of Lonely Planet's best 2010 destinations
Malay Mail
London : Iceland and London are among the world's best-value destinations thanks to the economic crisis, travel guide firm Lonely Planet said , while Thailand remains tough to beat.
South Africa, India, Malaysia, Mexico, Bulgaria, Kenya and Las Vegas in Nevada rounded out the top 10, said the British-based company in its "Best In Travel 2010" guide.
The annual snapshot book captures "the world's hottest travel trends, destinations, journeys and experiences for the year ahead', Lonely Planet said.
The economic collapse in Iceland meant the island was no longer punitively expensive, said the guide, putting the beleaguered country at the top of its best-value list.
"Have you always wanted to discover this magical, mysterious country? To explore ice caps and volcanoes, and wallow in hot springs? Been put off because of the prohibitive prices? Well, 2010 is your year".
Thailand, at number two, remained "perennially good value", said the book.
"It's one of the cheapest long-haul holidays for European holidaymakers...visitors are always spoilt for choice regarding accommodation".
Meanwhile, London's days as a costly destination were now over, Lonely Planet said.
"Long ludicrously expensive, London has become much more affordable for visitors from abroad, if not for its residents", said the guide.
"The favourable exchange rate means that travellers will often find hotels and meals up to half the price they were a few years ago".
Elsewhere in top 10, Malaysia "is a clever choice for travellers on the lookout for a bargain", while in India "your money stretches almost as far as the infamous Indian `stretchable' time" .
"South Africa is not only about an amazing climate, vast unspoilt scenery, balmy sandy beaches, extraordinary wildlife and adventure activities, but the cost of living is low, so it's also excellent value for money".
The top 10 countries overall for travellers were El Salvador, Germany, Greece, Malaysia, Morocco, Nepal, New Zealand, Portugal, Suriname and the United Sates.
The top cities were Abu Dhabi, Charleston (South Carolina), Cork(Ireland), Cuenca (Ecuador), Istanbul, Kyoto (Japan), Lecce (Italy), Sarajevo, Singapore and Vancouver(Canada).
Bali (Indonesia), Goa (India), Koh Kong (Cambodia), South Africa and southwest Western Australia featured among the top 10 regions. - AFP
Malay Mail
London : Iceland and London are among the world's best-value destinations thanks to the economic crisis, travel guide firm Lonely Planet said , while Thailand remains tough to beat.
South Africa, India, Malaysia, Mexico, Bulgaria, Kenya and Las Vegas in Nevada rounded out the top 10, said the British-based company in its "Best In Travel 2010" guide.
The annual snapshot book captures "the world's hottest travel trends, destinations, journeys and experiences for the year ahead', Lonely Planet said.
The economic collapse in Iceland meant the island was no longer punitively expensive, said the guide, putting the beleaguered country at the top of its best-value list.
"Have you always wanted to discover this magical, mysterious country? To explore ice caps and volcanoes, and wallow in hot springs? Been put off because of the prohibitive prices? Well, 2010 is your year".
Thailand, at number two, remained "perennially good value", said the book.
"It's one of the cheapest long-haul holidays for European holidaymakers...visitors are always spoilt for choice regarding accommodation".
Meanwhile, London's days as a costly destination were now over, Lonely Planet said.
"Long ludicrously expensive, London has become much more affordable for visitors from abroad, if not for its residents", said the guide.
"The favourable exchange rate means that travellers will often find hotels and meals up to half the price they were a few years ago".
Elsewhere in top 10, Malaysia "is a clever choice for travellers on the lookout for a bargain", while in India "your money stretches almost as far as the infamous Indian `stretchable' time" .
"South Africa is not only about an amazing climate, vast unspoilt scenery, balmy sandy beaches, extraordinary wildlife and adventure activities, but the cost of living is low, so it's also excellent value for money".
The top 10 countries overall for travellers were El Salvador, Germany, Greece, Malaysia, Morocco, Nepal, New Zealand, Portugal, Suriname and the United Sates.
The top cities were Abu Dhabi, Charleston (South Carolina), Cork(Ireland), Cuenca (Ecuador), Istanbul, Kyoto (Japan), Lecce (Italy), Sarajevo, Singapore and Vancouver(Canada).
Bali (Indonesia), Goa (India), Koh Kong (Cambodia), South Africa and southwest Western Australia featured among the top 10 regions. - AFP
Malay Mail
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Ong Tee Keat, Dr Chua hammer out truce with nudge from Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak

Malaysian Insider 22nd October, 2009
An end may be in sight in the MCA crisis with the recent intervention of Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak.
The Malaysian Insider understand that Najib met Datuk Seri Ong Tee Keat and Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi lek yesterday to thrash out a solution for the deadlock in MCA.

The result was an agreement between the two men to bury their differences. Yesterday the two men were asked to meet the PM. Datuk Seri Najib , who is also Barisan Nasional (BN) Chariman, was unhappy that the coalition's second biggest party was in disarray.
He told the two men that BN needed a strong and stable MCA if it was to take advantage of any weakness in Pakatan Rakyat (PR) to regain non-malay votes lost in Election march 2008.
The PM wants Ong and Dr Chua to bury their differences. Another EGM and fresh election will just make it worse, the PM told the two men. Under the truce between the two men, Ong and Dr Chua agreed to find way to stabilise the party, with the two of them at the helm, without bringing the party to the brink.
It was agreed that Dr Chua's supporters would be appointed to key positions in the party's state and national leadership to reflect the deputy president's relative support.
However, the two men may find it hard to convince their respective supporters and the public that they can hold a truce.

They will also find a way to deal with the position of Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai. He was appointed the MCA's new No.2 last week by a central committee that also asked for Ong's resignation.
A number of other senior party leaders have also made strong remarks and hurled accusations at both Ong and Dr Chua.
Any public show of affection or unity would likely be farcical and draw even more scorn for the BN party, which only has by some estimates less than 30 per cent backing from Chinese voters.
The current MCA crisis had started soon after party elections last October. Ong won the presidency convincingly but against the odds Dr Chua won the No.2 job after he was forced to resign from his Cabinet position and party posts earlier in the year because of secretly filmed footage of him having sex with his mistress was leaked.
The party president had an uneasy relationship with Dr Chua and set out to isolate him. Dr Chua was not given any prominent appointments and was not even made state chairman in Johor. Things came to a head when Ong decided to push for Dr Chua to be sacked from the party. His excuse was that the sex recording had tarnished the party.
The presidential council agreed to sack Dr Chua. Later, following a surge of public discontent, the central committee reduced it to a suspension of Dr Chua's membership. Supporters of Dr Chua then pushed for a EGM. At the October 10 EGM, Ong lost a confidence vote while Dr Chua had his menbership reinstated. The results suggested there was a move by a third force to remove both men and benefit Liow.
Ong then went back on his word and refused to resign, pointing out that the party constitution requires at least a two-thirds majority of delegates at an EGM to force his resignation. Dr Chua is using the same requirement in an application to the Registrar of Societies to be reinstated as deputy president.
Dr Chua has told the Registrar that since his membership had been restored, it was status quo and that meant he was still the deputy president. If the Registrar agrees, that means Liow' appointment will be voided. And if Ong keeps his word there will be wholesale changes in the party to reflect Dr Chua's support.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Selamat Hari Raya - Rumah Terbuka Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin 21/9/2009 Dan Dato' Haji Abdul Ghani bin Othman 22/9/2009
星期一(21/9/2009) 早上九点半,我和朋友一起到副首相慕尤丁在麻坡巴莪的开斋节开放门户。我的目地只是想和副首相拍几张照,因为在以前,慕尤丁都会在他那麻坡黄金丹戎的老家开放门户,我经常有去但从未和他拍过照。这时,当我们在那临时帐篷吃到一半的时候,看见慕尤丁和蔡细历一同走进来,老蔡直接进入会堂,慕尤丁则站在接待亭。
这是第二天早上(22/9/2009)大约十点钟,我们到柔佛州州务大臣的老家麻坡利丰港(Sungai Mati)的开放门户,又是人山人海大排长龙。我记得在去年才有四十多位来自各地方的马华各阶层党员聚中在路口,然后才一起步入会场,今年特别多人。在这里没看到老蔡,可能迟些到吧。临走时,我还刚巧遇到行动党笆吉里区国会议员余德华,他刚抵步,在等待安排进入贵宾席,拍了照后,有位肩膀有很多花星的警官带领他们入会场。
Okey, see you next year.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Support effort to tell full PKFZ story
SPEAK UP! :: theSun Says
Support effort to tell full PKFZ story
TRANSPORT Minister Datuk Seri Ong Tee Kiat seems to be besieged by all kinds of problems simply because he refuses to succumb to the “tidak apa” attitude so often adopted with relative ease by others when challenged. Furthermore, he wants to live up to his reputation as a straight talker, a reformer and a fighter. He could have just laid back and savoured his election to MCA’s presidency and his appointment to a top cabinet post. Of course what he does in his party is of little concern to most Malaysians but how he leads a ministry with such a huge budget and so much on its plate is of much concern to all the people of this country especially when it is saddled with a multi-billion ringgit scandal of the Port Klang Free Zone (PKFZ) – probably proving to be the most expensive debacle ever. He could have relegated it to the bottom of his priorities as the scandal happened during his predecessors’ watch but he decided that the rakyat must know about the billions that were spent and the billions more that may have to be spent to rehabilitate the zone. To him the government and the ministry he leads owed them that. And so he sanctioned several independent investigations, one of them by PricewaterhouseCoopers, into the badly managed project. The results highlighted the poor level of oversight and governance and numerous conflicts of interest in PKFZ’s development. That was the beginning of the problems for him. There were moments when it seemed he would be overwhelmed by them. The onslaughts against him have not stopped and may look like they are meant to distract him from his ministry’s current priority of getting to the bottom of the scandal. It is for a cause like this that everyone from those in the cabinet to the poor taxpayers must rally behind the man who is leading the charge. In the past Malaysians had been shocked by a number of public scandals. But after some days or even weeks of front-page treatment by major newspapers they subsequently were relegated to the inside pages and eventually just faded away. They resurface occasionally in reports on preliminary findings of a task force or special committee. But by that time Malaysians had already lost interest in whatever had happened even though it was their money that was involved. Even though the culprits were exposed – the public had known about them long before the findings were announced – reactions were mostly muted. But the PKFZ scandal just refuses to die or fade away. Malaysians should, therefore, support the efforts to keep it that way until they know the full story of the PKFZ.
Updated: 12:47AM Wed, 19 Aug 2009 The Sun
Support effort to tell full PKFZ story
TRANSPORT Minister Datuk Seri Ong Tee Kiat seems to be besieged by all kinds of problems simply because he refuses to succumb to the “tidak apa” attitude so often adopted with relative ease by others when challenged. Furthermore, he wants to live up to his reputation as a straight talker, a reformer and a fighter. He could have just laid back and savoured his election to MCA’s presidency and his appointment to a top cabinet post. Of course what he does in his party is of little concern to most Malaysians but how he leads a ministry with such a huge budget and so much on its plate is of much concern to all the people of this country especially when it is saddled with a multi-billion ringgit scandal of the Port Klang Free Zone (PKFZ) – probably proving to be the most expensive debacle ever. He could have relegated it to the bottom of his priorities as the scandal happened during his predecessors’ watch but he decided that the rakyat must know about the billions that were spent and the billions more that may have to be spent to rehabilitate the zone. To him the government and the ministry he leads owed them that. And so he sanctioned several independent investigations, one of them by PricewaterhouseCoopers, into the badly managed project. The results highlighted the poor level of oversight and governance and numerous conflicts of interest in PKFZ’s development. That was the beginning of the problems for him. There were moments when it seemed he would be overwhelmed by them. The onslaughts against him have not stopped and may look like they are meant to distract him from his ministry’s current priority of getting to the bottom of the scandal. It is for a cause like this that everyone from those in the cabinet to the poor taxpayers must rally behind the man who is leading the charge. In the past Malaysians had been shocked by a number of public scandals. But after some days or even weeks of front-page treatment by major newspapers they subsequently were relegated to the inside pages and eventually just faded away. They resurface occasionally in reports on preliminary findings of a task force or special committee. But by that time Malaysians had already lost interest in whatever had happened even though it was their money that was involved. Even though the culprits were exposed – the public had known about them long before the findings were announced – reactions were mostly muted. But the PKFZ scandal just refuses to die or fade away. Malaysians should, therefore, support the efforts to keep it that way until they know the full story of the PKFZ.
Updated: 12:47AM Wed, 19 Aug 2009 The Sun
Friday, August 14, 2009
Asked for a Salary Raise.
The Day the Penis asked for a Salary Raise
I, the Penis, hereby request a raise in salary for the following reasons:
I do physical labour.
I work at great depths.
I plunge headfirst into everything I do.
I do not get weekends or public holidays off.
I work in a damp environment.
I work in a dark workplace that has poor ventilation.
I work in high temperatures.
My work exposes me to contagious diseases.
P. Niss
The Response
Dear Penis:
After assessing your request, and considering the arguments you have raised, the administration rejects your request for the following reasons:
You do not work 8 hours straight.
You fall asleep after brief work periods.
You do not always follow the orders of the management team. You do not stay in your designated area and are often seen visiting other locations.
You do not take initiative - you need to be pressured and stimulated in order to start working.
You tend to throw up on the job.
You leave the workplace rather messy at the end of your shift.
You don't always observe necessary safety regulations, such as wearing the Correct protective clothing.
You will retire well before you are 65.
You are unable to work double shifts.
You sometimes leave your designated work area before you have completed the assigned task.
And if that were not all, you have been seen constantly entering and exiting the workplace carrying two suspicious-looking bags.
V. Gina
I, the Penis, hereby request a raise in salary for the following reasons:
I do physical labour.
I work at great depths.
I plunge headfirst into everything I do.
I do not get weekends or public holidays off.
I work in a damp environment.
I work in a dark workplace that has poor ventilation.
I work in high temperatures.
My work exposes me to contagious diseases.
P. Niss
The Response
Dear Penis:
After assessing your request, and considering the arguments you have raised, the administration rejects your request for the following reasons:
You do not work 8 hours straight.
You fall asleep after brief work periods.
You do not always follow the orders of the management team. You do not stay in your designated area and are often seen visiting other locations.
You do not take initiative - you need to be pressured and stimulated in order to start working.
You tend to throw up on the job.
You leave the workplace rather messy at the end of your shift.
You don't always observe necessary safety regulations, such as wearing the Correct protective clothing.
You will retire well before you are 65.
You are unable to work double shifts.
You sometimes leave your designated work area before you have completed the assigned task.
And if that were not all, you have been seen constantly entering and exiting the workplace carrying two suspicious-looking bags.
V. Gina
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Ong Tee Keat - Smear campaign just another obstacle 抹黑手段仅是自爆奇丑
轉载自 翁诗杰部落格
作者: 翁诗杰
Written by Ong Tee Keat
Wednesday, 12 August 2009
I am not surprised that the smear tactics and character assassination against me had picked up pace especially with the latest revelations by the PKFZ Task Force.
If indeed I have received pecuniary and financial benefits for myself or the Party, there will be more reasons for me to protect the interests of the givers, as opposed to proceeding to expose their misdeeds. By doing so, I am risking my personal and family safety as well as my own credibility.
The allegation by Dato’ Seri Tiong King Sing that I have taken the RM10 million "loan" from him for use by the Party's divisions, are obviously made with several motives, including diverting attention away from the alleged irregularities exposed by the Task Force. It could also be meant to create suspicion among my Party comrades that I have pocketed funds meant for the divisions. The fact that he indicated that it was a loan could mean that he wants the option of taking me to court to further embarrass me.
The period mentioned by Dato' Seri Tiong was 2008, during which I was vice-president until I assumed the presidency in October. The need for me as vice-president to raise money for the divisions was a non-starter. Later, as President, we already have access to party funds and allocations. I doubt any reasonable person would part with RM10 million based on such a story.
I am very glad that Dato' Faisal Abdullah has admitted that those jets have been chartered by my office. This clearly indicates that I don’t accept privileges. If I have to, and am willing to pay for plane rides, I clearly do not accept bribes or favours.
In any case, my office has yet to receive invoices for the services rendered. If the charter company has been more efficient, I am sure my office would have already made prompt payments. I am sure businesses do not issue invoices through the press.
I will consult my lawyers and seek legal advice on the defamatory allegations.
I treat this latest obstacle as one of the challenges I have to go through. In no way will it deter me to ensure that the PKFZ issue be resolved in the best interest of the Government and the people. I also ask that I be judged based on my actions.
Written by Ong Tee Keat
作者: 翁诗杰
Written by Ong Tee Keat
Wednesday, 12 August 2009
I am not surprised that the smear tactics and character assassination against me had picked up pace especially with the latest revelations by the PKFZ Task Force.
If indeed I have received pecuniary and financial benefits for myself or the Party, there will be more reasons for me to protect the interests of the givers, as opposed to proceeding to expose their misdeeds. By doing so, I am risking my personal and family safety as well as my own credibility.
The allegation by Dato’ Seri Tiong King Sing that I have taken the RM10 million "loan" from him for use by the Party's divisions, are obviously made with several motives, including diverting attention away from the alleged irregularities exposed by the Task Force. It could also be meant to create suspicion among my Party comrades that I have pocketed funds meant for the divisions. The fact that he indicated that it was a loan could mean that he wants the option of taking me to court to further embarrass me.
The period mentioned by Dato' Seri Tiong was 2008, during which I was vice-president until I assumed the presidency in October. The need for me as vice-president to raise money for the divisions was a non-starter. Later, as President, we already have access to party funds and allocations. I doubt any reasonable person would part with RM10 million based on such a story.
I am very glad that Dato' Faisal Abdullah has admitted that those jets have been chartered by my office. This clearly indicates that I don’t accept privileges. If I have to, and am willing to pay for plane rides, I clearly do not accept bribes or favours.
In any case, my office has yet to receive invoices for the services rendered. If the charter company has been more efficient, I am sure my office would have already made prompt payments. I am sure businesses do not issue invoices through the press.
I will consult my lawyers and seek legal advice on the defamatory allegations.
I treat this latest obstacle as one of the challenges I have to go through. In no way will it deter me to ensure that the PKFZ issue be resolved in the best interest of the Government and the people. I also ask that I be judged based on my actions.
Written by Ong Tee Keat
Malaysiakini - 张庆信证实捐一千万当马华基金
轉载自 Malaysiakini 杨凯斌及黄凌风
巴生港口自贸区主要承包商Kuala Dimensi私人有限公司两位主要负责人今日向媒体引爆他们与交通部长翁诗杰的关系。

该公司首席执行员张庆信声称,他曾在2008年捐献一千万令吉给现任马华总会长翁诗杰;至于其副手,KDSB母公司威加雅巴鲁国际有限公司(Wijaya Baru Global Berhad)集团的副行政总裁兼执行董事费查阿都拉(Faizal Abdullah)则证实,翁诗杰确实曾乘坐该公司旗下飞机五次,而且还拖欠该公司逾4万美金的费用没还。

张庆信也是民都鲁国会议员,他目前出任巴生港口自贸区主承包商Kuala Dimensi首席执行员,并陷入自贸区风波之中。

与此同时,也是KDSB副首席执行员的费查沙阿都拉(Faizal Abdullah)也向《当今大马》声称,翁诗杰曾向该公司“租借”旗下飞机,但是事后却分文未付。
2月12日 G450 SZB-JB-KCH-SZB
2月19日 G450 SZB-JB-SZB
3月7日 Learjet 60 SZB-Kuantan-SZB
3月24日 Learjet 60 SZB-JB-SZB
4月20日 Learjet 60 SZB-JB-SZB
轉载自 Malaysiakini
巴生港口自贸区主要承包商Kuala Dimensi私人有限公司两位主要负责人今日向媒体引爆他们与交通部长翁诗杰的关系。

该公司首席执行员张庆信声称,他曾在2008年捐献一千万令吉给现任马华总会长翁诗杰;至于其副手,KDSB母公司威加雅巴鲁国际有限公司(Wijaya Baru Global Berhad)集团的副行政总裁兼执行董事费查阿都拉(Faizal Abdullah)则证实,翁诗杰确实曾乘坐该公司旗下飞机五次,而且还拖欠该公司逾4万美金的费用没还。

张庆信也是民都鲁国会议员,他目前出任巴生港口自贸区主承包商Kuala Dimensi首席执行员,并陷入自贸区风波之中。

与此同时,也是KDSB副首席执行员的费查沙阿都拉(Faizal Abdullah)也向《当今大马》声称,翁诗杰曾向该公司“租借”旗下飞机,但是事后却分文未付。
2月12日 G450 SZB-JB-KCH-SZB
2月19日 G450 SZB-JB-SZB
3月7日 Learjet 60 SZB-Kuantan-SZB
3月24日 Learjet 60 SZB-JB-SZB
4月20日 Learjet 60 SZB-JB-SZB
轉载自 Malaysiakini
Monday, August 10, 2009
民聯治國無固打制? 星洲日報
轉载自 星洲言路 作者:慕灑
星洲言路 作者:慕灑
星洲言路 作者:慕灑
Sunday, August 9, 2009
國陣如何贏回雪州- 星洲日報 鄭丁賢
轉载自 星洲言路
星洲日報/馬荷加尼 作者:鄭丁賢
星洲日報/馬荷加尼 作者:鄭丁賢
多事之秋的民聯 - 星洲日報/言路 作者 南方客
轉载自 星洲言路 南方客
星洲日報/言路 作者:南方客
星洲日報/言路 作者:南方客
Thursday, August 6, 2009
The Malaysian Insider - Lim Kit Siang warns open squabbling could turn Pakatan into one-term wonder .
The Malaysian Insider
Friday August 07 2009
Kit Siang warns open squabbling could turn Pakatan into one-term wonder
Lim wants all Pakatan Rakyat partners to show more cohesion and common sense of purpose. By Leslie Lau. Consultant Editor.

KUALA LUMPUR, Aug 6 — The DAP’s Lim Kit Siang today urged all Pakatan Rakyat (PR) partners to show more cohesion and common sense of purpose to strengthen public confidence, and avoid the kind of public quarrels which could result in the alliance becoming a “one-term wonder”.
His remarks show the measure of concern being felt by national PR leaders over the succession of squabbles between DAP and PAS which has damaged the credibility of PR state governments.
Selangor PAS chief Datuk Hassan Ali had openly called for his state executive councillor colleague Ronnie Liu from the DAP to be stripped of his portfolio following a dispute over a minor issue of unlawful beer seizures.
Last month, DAP had also threatened to pull out from the PAS-led Kedah PR state government over the issue of the relocation of an abattoir.
“All Pakatan Rakyat leaders of PKR, DAP and PAS must exercise responsibility and discipline to strengthen public confidence in the credibility, cohesion, integrity and common sense of purpose of Pakatan Rakyat if PR is not to end up as a one-term wonder.
“If a state exco member of a Pakatan Rakyat state government can publicly demand the removal of another state exco member from another Pakatan Rakyat component party from his portfolio, and be supported by the state Youth wing of that party to the extent of wanting to hold a public demonstration, then the same thing can be done by the other Pakatan Rakyat component parties,” said Lim.
Lim said the result of such open squabbling would be utter chaos and the PR alliance would be discredited.
PR leaders and component parties, instead of Barisan Nasional (BN), would then become PR’s own biggest enemies.
“It is imperative therefore that any unhappiness and dissatisfaction by any Pakatan Rakyat component party or leader must be raised and dealt with internally in the grouping.”
Umno and BN have in recent months been gradually chipping away at the level of public support which PR parties have been enjoying, largely due to open squabbling and a absence of a joint platform for voters to compare with what the ruling coalition has to offer.
Umno has also successfully used race and religious issues to drive a wedge between the more conservative factions in PAS and the more secular DAP.
The PR national leadership is now working feverishly towards fulfilling legal guidelines and registering the alliance officially to underline its commitment towards being a viable alternative to BN.
Datuk Zaid Ibrahim, the former Umno minister who joined PKR recently, has been given the task of coordinating activities of the joint PR secretariat.
It is understood that a series of discussions will soon be held for PR parties to come up with a common platform.
Friday August 07 2009
Kit Siang warns open squabbling could turn Pakatan into one-term wonder
Lim wants all Pakatan Rakyat partners to show more cohesion and common sense of purpose. By Leslie Lau. Consultant Editor.

KUALA LUMPUR, Aug 6 — The DAP’s Lim Kit Siang today urged all Pakatan Rakyat (PR) partners to show more cohesion and common sense of purpose to strengthen public confidence, and avoid the kind of public quarrels which could result in the alliance becoming a “one-term wonder”.
His remarks show the measure of concern being felt by national PR leaders over the succession of squabbles between DAP and PAS which has damaged the credibility of PR state governments.
Selangor PAS chief Datuk Hassan Ali had openly called for his state executive councillor colleague Ronnie Liu from the DAP to be stripped of his portfolio following a dispute over a minor issue of unlawful beer seizures.
Last month, DAP had also threatened to pull out from the PAS-led Kedah PR state government over the issue of the relocation of an abattoir.
“All Pakatan Rakyat leaders of PKR, DAP and PAS must exercise responsibility and discipline to strengthen public confidence in the credibility, cohesion, integrity and common sense of purpose of Pakatan Rakyat if PR is not to end up as a one-term wonder.
“If a state exco member of a Pakatan Rakyat state government can publicly demand the removal of another state exco member from another Pakatan Rakyat component party from his portfolio, and be supported by the state Youth wing of that party to the extent of wanting to hold a public demonstration, then the same thing can be done by the other Pakatan Rakyat component parties,” said Lim.
Lim said the result of such open squabbling would be utter chaos and the PR alliance would be discredited.
PR leaders and component parties, instead of Barisan Nasional (BN), would then become PR’s own biggest enemies.
“It is imperative therefore that any unhappiness and dissatisfaction by any Pakatan Rakyat component party or leader must be raised and dealt with internally in the grouping.”
Umno and BN have in recent months been gradually chipping away at the level of public support which PR parties have been enjoying, largely due to open squabbling and a absence of a joint platform for voters to compare with what the ruling coalition has to offer.
Umno has also successfully used race and religious issues to drive a wedge between the more conservative factions in PAS and the more secular DAP.
The PR national leadership is now working feverishly towards fulfilling legal guidelines and registering the alliance officially to underline its commitment towards being a viable alternative to BN.
Datuk Zaid Ibrahim, the former Umno minister who joined PKR recently, has been given the task of coordinating activities of the joint PR secretariat.
It is understood that a series of discussions will soon be held for PR parties to come up with a common platform.
Astronomy Pictures of the Day (NASA)
The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) is an agency of the United States government.

Explanation: The July 22nd total solar eclipse was the longest of the 21st century. From the point of maximum eclipse along the Moon's shadow track across the Pacific Ocean, the Moon completely blocked the Sun for a total of 6 minutes and 39 seconds. But from the deck of this cruise ship the duration of the total eclipse phase was extended to a whopping 6 minutes and 42 seconds by the ship's motion along the shadow track. This panoramic view of the scene shows the shimmering solar corona in a darkened daytime sky, with clouds silhouetted by a bright sky on the distant horizon, beyond the Moon's shadow. Mercury can be seen near the eclipsed Sun. Venus lies near the upper right edge of the frame.

Explanation: This wide, sharp telescopic view reveals galaxies scattered beyond the stars at the northern boundary of the high-flying constellation Pegasus. Prominent at the upper right is NGC 7331. A mere 50 million light-years away, the large spiral is one of the brighter galaxies not included in Charles Messier's famous 18th century catalog. The disturbed looking group of galaxies at the lower left is well-known as Stephan's Quintet. About 300 million light-years distant, the quintet dramatically illustrates a multiple galaxy collision, its powerful, ongoing interactions posed for a brief cosmic snapshot. On the sky, the quintet and NGC 7331 are separated by about half a degree.

Explanation: The sharpest image ever of Betelgeuse shows a mammoth star that is slowly evaporating. Betelgeuse (sounds a lot like "beetle juice"), also known as Alpha Orionis, is one of the largest and brightest stars known. The star is a familiar orange fixture easily visible to the unaided eye toward the constellation of Orion. The above recent image from the Very Large Telescope in Chile resolves not only the face of Betelgeuse, but a large and previously unknown plume of surrounding gas. This plume gives fresh indications of how the massive star is shedding mass as it nears the end of its life. Conversely, a series of previous observations indicate that the surface of Betelgeuse has noticeably shrunk, on the average, over the past decade. If Betelgeuse, a red supergiant star about 640 light years distant, were placed at the center of our Solar System, the plume would extend past the orbit of Jupiter. Since Betelgeuse is known to change its brightness irregularly, future observations may determine if changes its appearance irregularly as well. Betelgeuse is a candidate to undergo a spectacular supernova explosion almost anytime in the next few thousand years.

Explanation: The July 22nd total solar eclipse was the longest of the 21st century. From the point of maximum eclipse along the Moon's shadow track across the Pacific Ocean, the Moon completely blocked the Sun for a total of 6 minutes and 39 seconds. But from the deck of this cruise ship the duration of the total eclipse phase was extended to a whopping 6 minutes and 42 seconds by the ship's motion along the shadow track. This panoramic view of the scene shows the shimmering solar corona in a darkened daytime sky, with clouds silhouetted by a bright sky on the distant horizon, beyond the Moon's shadow. Mercury can be seen near the eclipsed Sun. Venus lies near the upper right edge of the frame.

Explanation: This wide, sharp telescopic view reveals galaxies scattered beyond the stars at the northern boundary of the high-flying constellation Pegasus. Prominent at the upper right is NGC 7331. A mere 50 million light-years away, the large spiral is one of the brighter galaxies not included in Charles Messier's famous 18th century catalog. The disturbed looking group of galaxies at the lower left is well-known as Stephan's Quintet. About 300 million light-years distant, the quintet dramatically illustrates a multiple galaxy collision, its powerful, ongoing interactions posed for a brief cosmic snapshot. On the sky, the quintet and NGC 7331 are separated by about half a degree.

Explanation: The sharpest image ever of Betelgeuse shows a mammoth star that is slowly evaporating. Betelgeuse (sounds a lot like "beetle juice"), also known as Alpha Orionis, is one of the largest and brightest stars known. The star is a familiar orange fixture easily visible to the unaided eye toward the constellation of Orion. The above recent image from the Very Large Telescope in Chile resolves not only the face of Betelgeuse, but a large and previously unknown plume of surrounding gas. This plume gives fresh indications of how the massive star is shedding mass as it nears the end of its life. Conversely, a series of previous observations indicate that the surface of Betelgeuse has noticeably shrunk, on the average, over the past decade. If Betelgeuse, a red supergiant star about 640 light years distant, were placed at the center of our Solar System, the plume would extend past the orbit of Jupiter. Since Betelgeuse is known to change its brightness irregularly, future observations may determine if changes its appearance irregularly as well. Betelgeuse is a candidate to undergo a spectacular supernova explosion almost anytime in the next few thousand years.
Hubble & Spitzer Space Telescopes

This image provided by NASA this July 23, 2009 is a photo made by the Spitzer Space Telescope of the galaxy, called NGC-1097, is located 50 million light-years away. It is spiral-shaped like our Milky Way, with long, spindly arms of stars. The 'eye' at the center of the galaxy is actually a monstrous black hole surrounded by a ring of stars. In this color-coded infrared view from Spitzer, the area around the invisible black hole is blue and the ring of stars, white. The black hole is huge, about 100 million times the mass of our sun, and is feeding off gas and dust along with the occasional unlucky star. The galaxy's red spiral arms and the swirling spokes seen between the arms show dust heated by newborn stars. Older populations of stars scattered through the galaxy are blue. The fuzzy blue dot to the left, which appears to fit snuggly between the arms, is a companion galaxy. This image was taken during Spitzer's cold mission, before it ran out of liquid coolant.
(AP Photo/NASA)

This infrared picture provided by NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope Wednesday Aug. 5, 2009 shows a cloud, known as DR22, bursting with new stars in the Cygnus region of the sky. Spitzer's infrared eyes can both see through and see dust, giving it a unique view into star-forming nests. The blue areas are dusty clouds, and the orange is mainly hot gas. The image is on of the first to be taken during Spitzer's warm mission -- a new phase that began after the telescope, which operated for more than five-and-a-half years, ran out of liquid coolant. (AP Photo/NASA/JPL-Caltech) This image is one of the first to be taken during Spitzer's warm mission -- a new phase that began after the telescope, which operated for more than five-and-a-half years, ran out of liquid coolant. The picture was snapped with the two infrared channels that still work at Spitzer's still-quite-chilly temperature of 30 Kelvin (about minus 406 Fahrenheit). The two infrared channels are part of Spitzer's infrared array camera: 3.6-micron light is blue and 4.5-micron light is orange. This picture was taken while the telescope was being re-commissioned, on July 21.
Monday, August 3, 2009
Malaysiakini-封面报道指控为“最大马来叛徒” 安华向慕尤丁与前锋报Utusan索偿1亿

(转载 Malaysiakini)
8月3日 傍晚6点57分
由巫统控制的《马来西亚前锋报》的报道再次惹祸,这回是今日的封面头条新闻《安华叛徒》(Anwar pengkhianat)引起这名国会反对党领袖的强烈不满,发出律师信要求该报与发出这项言论的副首相慕尤丁撤回言论与公开道歉,并作出1亿令吉的名誉赔偿。

Dari Utusan Malaysia
Anwar pengkhianat
BATU PAHAT 2 Ogos – Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin menyifatkan Penasihat Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR), Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim sebagai pengkhianat besar terhadap perjuangan orang Melayu.
Timbalan Perdana Menteri turut menyifatkan Anwar sebagai pemimpin lidah bercabang kerana sanggup memutarbelitkan fakta mengenai usaha UMNO untuk memartabatkan orang Melayu.
“Dulu dia pernah menjadi Timbalan Perdana Menteri dan Timbalan Presiden UMNO seperti saya sekarang, tetapi dia sekarang menggunakan cara yang memperdayakan untuk memusnahkan perjuangan kita,” katanya.
Beliau berkata demikian ketika merasmikan Persidangan Perwakilan UMNO Bahagian Sri Gading di Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM) di sini semalam.
Muhyiddin berkata, Anwar selaku Ketua Pembangkang kini menyebarkan dakyah untuk mencipta persepsi negatif terhadap usaha UMNO dalam mempertahankan hak keistimewaan Melayu dan institusi raja.
“Dia kata kepada semua orang bahawa UMNO zalim, tetapi beritahu saya sekarang dalam cara apa yang kita zalim? Kenapa dia tidak beritahu ini semasa dia jadi pemimpin kita?” soalnya.
Beliau mendedahkan taktik pembangkang mengulangi pembohongan hingga rakyat mempercayai penipuan itu.
“Hingga sampai ke tahap ini, orang menganggap apa yang dilakukan oleh UMNO adalah salah dan apa sahaja yang dilakukan kita tidak baik untuk rakyat.
“Maka semua kebaikan yang pernah kita lakukan membangunkan negara sejak 50 tahun lalu tidak lagi dihargai,” katanya.
Muhyiddin mengakui UMNO bukanlah parti yang tidak pernah melakukan kesilapan namun ia telah melakukan yang terbaik untuk menghapuskan rasuah, keangkuhan dan pengurusan yang tidak cekap.
“Tiada masalah untuk mengkritik kerana kita bukan maksum tetapi saya tidak boleh terima kalau pembangkang menghina dan tidak menghormati orang Melayu,” jelasnya.
Sehubungan itu, beliau menyeru ahli dan pemimpin UMNO mengubah persepsi negatif pembangkang terhadap parti dengan terus mendekati rakyat terutama di peringkat akar umbi.
Menurutnya, pendekatan itu jika dilakukan secara berterusan akan menyedarkan rakyat terhadap perjuangan ikhlas UMNO dalam membela nasib mereka terutama bangsa Melayu.
“Kita hanya mempunyai dua tahun untuk mengubah persepsi dan imej buruk itu,” katanya.
Menurutnya, UMNO juga bukan parti yang semata-mata mahukan undi rakyat pada setiap pilihan raya, tetapi untuk membela dan membangunkan mereka.
“Tetapi disebabkan dakyah serta pelbagai tuduhan pembangkang terhadap UMNO menyebabkan timbul persepsi buruk rakyat terhadap parti sejak kebelakangan ini,” katanya.
Ekoran itu, beliau berkata, tindakan segera perlu dilaksanakan mulai sekarang bagi mengembalikan semula keyakinan tersebut agar UMNO dapat terus berjuang untuk membela mereka.
(Dari Utusan Malaysia)
Why do Malaysians march?

From The Sun
(Comment & Analysis)
Editor : Yeo Yang Poh
WHY march, when the government has said that it will review the Internal Security Act? Why march, when there are other very cosy ways of giving your views and feedback?
One would understand if these were questions posed by nine-year-olds. But they are not. They are questions posed by the prime minister of this nation we call our home. Answer we must. So, why?
Because thousands who died while in detention cannot march or speak any more. That is why others have to do it for them.
Because persons in the corridors of power, persons who have amassed tremendous wealth and live in mansions, and persons who are in the position to right wrongs but won’t, continue to rule our nation with suffocating might. And they certainly would not march. They would prevent others from marching.
Because the have-nots, the sidelined, the oppressed, the discriminated and the persecuted have no effective line to the powerful.
Because the nice ways have been tried ad nauseam for decades, but have fallen on deaf ears.
Because none of the major recommendations of Suhakam (including on peaceful assembly), or of the commissions of inquiry, has been implemented. Because the proposed Independent Police Complaints and Misconduct Commission (IPCMC) is not in sight, while corruption and insecurity live in every neighbourhood; and (despite reasoned views expressed ever so nicely in opposition) Rela (people’s volunteer corps) is being brought in to make matters even worse.
The proponents in “Su Qiu” (remember them?) were not marchers. In fact it is hard to find nicer ways than “su qiu”, because the term means “present and request” or “inform and request”. In terms of putting forward a view or a request, it is the height of politeness. Yet they were labelled “extremists” – they who did not march.
And now you ask, why march?
Because you gave non-marchers a false name! You called them the “silent majority”, who by virtue of their silence (so you proudly argued with twisted logic) were supporters of government policies since they were not vocal in raising objections. You claimed to be protecting the interest of the “silent majority”. Now some of them do not want to be silent anymore, and you are asking why?
Yes, because double standards and hypocrisy cannot be covered up or explained away forever; and incompetence cannot be indefinitely propped up by depleting resources.
Because cronyism can only take care of a few people, and the rest will eventually wake up to realise the repeated lies that things were done in certain ways purportedly “for their benefit”.
Because the race card, cleverly played for such a long time, is beginning to be seen for what it really is – a despicable tool to divide the rakyat for easier political manipulation.
Because it does not take much to figure out that there is no good reason why Malaysia, a country with abundant human resources and rich natural resources, does not have a standard of living many times higher than that of Singapore, an island state with no natural resources and that has to import human resources from Malaysia and elsewhere.
Because, in general, countries that do not persecute marchers are prosperous or are improving from their previous state of affairs, and those that do are declining.
Because Gandhi marched, Mandela marched, Martin Luther King marched, and Tunku Abdul Rahman marched.
Because more and more people realise that peaceful assemblies are no threat at all to the security of the nation, although they are a threat to the security of tenure of the ruling elite.
Because politicians do not mean it when they say with a straight face or a smile that they are the servants and that the people are the masters. No servant would treat his master with tear gas, batons and handcuffs.
Because if the marchers in history had been stopped in their tracks, places like India, Malaysia and many others would still be colonies today, apartheid would still be thriving in South Africa, Nelson Mandela would still be scribbling on the walls of Cell 5, and Obama would probably be a slave somewhere in Mississippi plotting to make his next midnight dash for the river.
And because liberty, freedom and dignity are not free vouchers posted out to each household.
They do not come to those who just sit and wait. They have to be fought for, and gained.
And if you still want to ask: why march; I can go on and on until the last tree is felled. But I shall
obviously not.
I will end with the following lines from one of the songs sung in the 1960s by civil rights marchers in the US, without whom Obama would not be able to even sit with the whites in a bus, let alone reside in the White House:
“It isn’t nice to block the doorway
It isn’t nice to go to jail
There are nicer ways to do it
But the nice ways have all failed
It isn’t nice; it isn’t nice
You’ve told us once, you’ve told us twice
But if that’s freedom’s price
We don’t mind ...”
Yeo Yang Poh is a former Bar Council president.
Monday, July 27, 2009
挺出一片天 - 迦馬魯丁 - 星洲日報
轉载自 迦馬魯丁 挺出一片天
星洲日報/言路 作者:迦馬魯丁 時事評論人‧2009.07.24
轉载自 迦馬魯丁 挺出一片天
星洲日報/言路 作者:迦馬魯丁 時事評論人‧2009.07.24
Sunday, July 26, 2009

转载自:甘德政 (阿甘的窝)
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Friday, June 19, 2009
Thursday, June 18, 2009
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